Digging Dog Farm
Welcome to our Farm
We are a Certified Humane approved Farm. The Digging Dog Sheep Farm Produces Lambs and Raw and Hand Picked and Washed Wool for Sale.
The Digging Dog Farm is located in Culpeper County, Virginia. It is home to a small private lamb and sheep flock, with diverse genetics including:
Blue Faced Leicester
Border Leicester
Associated Crosses

About the Digging Dog Sheep Farm
When our last chick had been accepted to college, we decided that a change in lifestyle was wanted. This was not a mentality to move back to the land, but rather an effort to free ourselves from intense professional careers in the urban crush. A relevant choice for us. We relocated to an isolated 45 acres in Culpeper County, Virginia: lovely rolling pastures, indigenous trees, and a circa 1854 farm house. We moved something else as well, an abiding belief in organic land use, an enduring excellence in what we choose to do, and unshakable thoughts about habitat and environment.
And just as preservation has been a primary focus, more resolutions became firm. Buying local products, reducing our carbon footprint, and exerting the least pressure on the land and each other and all who live here.
Twenty years along, these values are still the same, and beneficial in every way. Our sheep, lambs, and guardian llama are given the greatest care, and you can see this at once in their condition and fleeces. And always remembering that this is a cooperative relationship, our return has been contented, doting mothers, unforgettable lambs, and outstanding fiber.
In 1995 when we began raising sheep, we were primarily a meat sheep (Suffolks) operation. We soon discovered that the wool breeds were more suited to our operation and temperament.
We have brought in a number of sires to diversify our lamb and fleece products. The current sires are:Mojo - a registered Blue Faced Leicester (BFL), Arlo a Texel Katahdin Mule Cross and Opie a purebred Texel.
Digging Dog Lambs
We try to lamb between mid-February and mid-April. Most of the lambs are weaned around the first of May. The best time to see the lambs is during May. They filled out and their configuration and fleece quality can be better evaluated. We usually begin marketing lambs in June and continue through September.

A new ram lamb (now a wether) for 2017. A BFL, BL, Wensleydale, Coopworth.

Night (Registered Coopworth) romancing a partner.

A new ewe lamb from the 2017 lambing. A BFL, BL, Wensleydale.

A new registered Blue Faced Leicester ram for 2017-18 breeding season.

A registered Coopworth ram.

A BFL, BL, Wensleydale Cross ram.

A registered BFL wether.

A BFL, BL, Wensleydale ewe.

A registered Blue Coopworth ewe.

A Romney Coopworth ewe.

A Romney Coopworth ewe.

A Romney Coopworth wether.

A BFL, BL, Wensleydale ewe.

A registered Romney ewe.

Lambs from the 2016 breeding season.

Our guardian llama Dana and a lamb friend relax in the sun.